You have seen the documentaries, you’ve read the NGO reports, you’ve seen the #FashionRevolution movement and you’re now convinced that Ethical is the new Black. But you can’t find ethical fashion brands? Here’s our guidelines to make your way through the ethical fashion world.
Institutional Actors
The Fashion Revolution federates many ethical fashion actors, but they’re not the only place where they gather. There are also foundations such as the Fair Wear Foundation, which aims to improve working conditions around the world, including the prohibition of forced labour, the prohibition of child labour and the improvement of hygiene and safety conditions.
In France, SloWeAre has been referencing and helping brands with a sustainable impact since 2016. Do know that brands need to pay for their audit, so not all brands get the label.
Generators and Apps
There are many solutions to find ethical and sustainable fashion brands.
First of all, the excellent brand generator set up by @Iznowgood_. It helps you find what you need as it has filters to find sustainable brands, organic products, vegan, and made in France products. It’s all here.
The Australian app Good on You, a sort Yuka for fashion, also helps to ensure the impact of brands on the Planet, People and Animals. We can’t wait for more European brands to be referenced!
And Vegan France, a directory that includes information, news, shops and services as well as brands. WWoW is listed there!
Sustainable MarketPlaces
More and more marketplaces emerge to offer their selection of ethical fashion brands. It’s quite handy as you have all the brands in one site (it’s good to save on shipping too) and you can buy a full outfit quite easily.
Here are a few of them:
- DreamAct : the widest selection, from fashion to zero waste
- Klow
- Meanwhile Boutique: committed young creators and brands
- Official Vegan Shop
- Reiner : specialised in upcycling
- Slow Nature
- We Dress Fair

Selection Blog Posts
La P’tite Noisette has made a nice list of all the brands with symbols to really understand what we are talking about, such as the place of manufacture, or the development of sustainable work.
La Coquette Éthique has made its selection of brands of vegan and ethical bags.

Les Grands Voisins
To buy directly from the artisans and see how it is made, come and visit Les Grands Voisins.
In the heart of the 14th arrondissement of Paris, the former Saint-Vincent-De-Paul hospital brings together many craftsmen and craftswomen, associations, entrepreneurs and artists around the values of sharing, ecology and the social and solidarity economy.
A unique place of its kind, it brings together in one place some thirty shops ranging from food to ceramics, leather goods, plants, jewellery and shoes. The shops are all different but all ethical, and each one promotes artisanal know-how.
Handmade, all the creations produced on the Grands Voisins site give access to a new kind of ethical commercial offer.
By the way, you can even follow the news of the shops by registering right here:

WWoW shop is located at Passage Oratoire and is open: Thursday and Friday from 4pm to 7pm, and Saturday from 2pm to 7pm.