Merci pour vos commandes.
Merci pour vos commentaires qui ont aidé à améliorer toujours les produits !
Medias talk about WWoW! Here is all our written and online reviews ! Most of it has been in French, but we’ll be very happy to be featured in another language media. All information on the subject can be found on our Press page.
L’Effet Domino * The next world will be without leather!
Fashion Network * WWoW is quoted in the article Le Sac Fait sa mue écologique [The bag is becoming ecologic]
EthicAdvisor * Interview of Salomé, our founder.
Respire * News : The women changing the world.
LCI * WWoW products are presented on television on La Matinale Week-End.
Maddyness * WWoW is one of the startups selected by KissKissBankBank and We Love Green to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the music festival.
Chef d’entreprise * WWoW was chosen among 5 start-up supported by the We Love Green hothouse.
Les Echos Start * WWoW is one of the 11 green StartUps looking for funding.
FémininBio * WWoW is quoted in the Slow Fashion article.
DreamAct * Our cardholder is part of the 10 things to gift a vegan. Puristica * The German blogger created her Christmas outfit with our Diana Pouch.
Ma Conscience Écolo * WWoW by the women, for the women.
Ma Conscience Écolo * WWoW is referenced in the selection of this Ethical Fashion Directory.
Il était une veggie * WWoW is one of the VeggieWorld favorites.
La Petite Coquette * WWoW is on the selected list of ethical and cruelty-free fashion brands.
Lucyness * Lucy shares her experience at the Grands Voisins Fashion Week Show, with the Cassie pouch.
Carrot Invaders * Our Etta Totebag is part of the Ethical Fashion Selection.
Veggie Love * The place to be: Fashion Changers x PrePeek [DE]
Puristica * An ethical outfit to jump into your week-end with the Etta totebag!
HelloCoton * Meeting the founder of WWoW.
Truc de Nanas * WWoW is one of the women who committed to a cause.
Mediatico * WWoW, the social entreprise who wants to give confidence back to women through crafts.
Good Morning Crowdfunding * WWoW is the Project of the Day
Sustinable * Give In, Buy, Contribute.
EDHEC * Presentation of WWoW
BGE * A fashion ethical accessories brand of committing for women
Les Suricates * Accessories co-created in France to integrate women!
Sustinable * Accessories that are good!
France 3 * VeggieWorld report on television with an appearance of the Cassie pouch.
Citizen V * Vegan bags by WWoW – Wonder Women of the World
Find out more about it here or send us an email at presse@wwow.fr 🙂
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